AFP Canada South Chapter is excited to bring you our first Lunch & Learn of 2024! Join us for a Grant Writing & Skills workshop presented by Lisa Kolody, Executive Director of the WindsorEssex Community Foundation.
The WindsorEssex Community Foundation (WECF) is pleased to present the Grant-Making 101 Workshop to provide guidance and tips for writing a grant application that will get noticed. In 2023 WECF granted over $3.7 million in WindsorEssex!
We understand that grant-writing can be an overwhelming task, especially with all the competing priorities charities and non-profits face daily. WECF will provide insight on how grants are reviewed and some tools to make the grant writing experience easier.
Our goal is to equip you with tips and tricks on how to make grant-writing easier while getting down to the facts. We want to help provide professional development to our partners and to “Showcase Storytelling” on the many successful grants and outcomes that have benefitted Windsor-Essex through our Foundation’s support.
Members – $25.00, Non-Members – $40.00 (includes lunch)
April 23, 2024