
Supporting Windsor-Essex small businesses

NEWS RELEASE Over $4.6 million in grants awarded to help local businesses create jobs and economic growth Windsor-Essex, ON – Mayor Drew Dilkens welcomed the Honourable Nina Tangri, Ontario Minister…

Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre exterior signage

Apply your passion and expertise, be your own boss, earn more and make a difference in your community. These are just some of the benefits to entrepreneurship. But for many…

Summer Company 2021 program participants in downtown Windsor

The Summer Company program helps turn ambitious students into entrepreneurs. Alexandrea Coombe is a Grade 11 student a St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic High School and owner of StitchNRide, a McGregor-based business offering unique, handmade equestrian products. An avid…

MEDIA RELEASE From: WEtech Alliance Windsor, ON — WEtech Alliance is accepting applications for the fifth cohort of its award winning ScaleUP tech accelerator program. The program, branded as Scale(Back)UP in continuation with a branding refresh in 2020, will look to support the…

Invest WindsorEssex funds hundreds of women-led businesses through FedDev Ontario RE3: Rebuild, Reopen, Revive program MEDIA RELEASE The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre, a division of Invest WindsorEssex, in collaboration…